Our Team
The school and children’s centre is led by the senior leadership team. This team is the Head Teacher, Assistant Headteacher, Children’s Centre Manager and the Business Manager.
The strategic direction of the school and children’s centre is agreed in consultation with the Governing Body. Most governors live in the local community.
Some key persons have a particular responsibility for children with special educational needs. At times we have additional staff to lead on projects and to support individual children. We also have a part time speech and language therapist, dance therapist, music teacher and a football coach who provide rich experiences and support for our all our children.
The school and children’s centre have staff and governor photographs displayed in the nursery entrance for easy identification.
Many sessions in our children’s centre are led by staff from health, for example a midwife; health visitor or by teachers of adult learning, for example, ESOL, sewing.
Children's Centre Staff
The children’s centre is led by the Head Teacher of the nursery school and the Children's Centre Manager.
The children’s centre team is made up of a children’s centre manager; two family support workers, one outreach worker and a parent practitioner. There are a range of staff who work in partnership to provide outreach services for families in the community. This includes staff from Keir Hardie Primary School. Services are provided at local libraries, schools and Newham leisure centres. Photographs of team members are available in the foyer of the children’s centre.
The staff in each session is adapted to suit the kind of activity for families that is on offer. For example, if we provide a training workshop for parents on healthy eating then a nutritionist will lead the session. Most crèche sessions are staffed by the Pre School Learning Alliance.
Many of the professionals who work in the children’s centre are not based in the centre all the time, for this reason appointments to meet with some of these professionals may be necessary. Please contact the centre if you want to know who is leading a particular session.
Everyone who works at the children’s centre is committed to helping families with young children living in the community to give them the best possible start in life.
The strategic direction of the school and children’s centre is agreed in consultation with the Governing Body. Most governors live in the local community.
Some key persons have a particular responsibility for children with special educational needs. At times we have additional staff to lead on projects and to support individual children. We also have a part time speech and language therapist, dance therapist, music teacher and a football coach who provide rich experiences and support for our all our children.
The school and children’s centre have staff and governor photographs displayed in the nursery entrance for easy identification.
Many sessions in our children’s centre are led by staff from health, for example a midwife; health visitor or by teachers of adult learning, for example, ESOL, sewing.
Children's Centre Staff
The children’s centre is led by the Head Teacher of the nursery school and the Children's Centre Manager.
The children’s centre team is made up of a children’s centre manager; two family support workers, one outreach worker and a parent practitioner. There are a range of staff who work in partnership to provide outreach services for families in the community. This includes staff from Keir Hardie Primary School. Services are provided at local libraries, schools and Newham leisure centres. Photographs of team members are available in the foyer of the children’s centre.
The staff in each session is adapted to suit the kind of activity for families that is on offer. For example, if we provide a training workshop for parents on healthy eating then a nutritionist will lead the session. Most crèche sessions are staffed by the Pre School Learning Alliance.
Many of the professionals who work in the children’s centre are not based in the centre all the time, for this reason appointments to meet with some of these professionals may be necessary. Please contact the centre if you want to know who is leading a particular session.
Everyone who works at the children’s centre is committed to helping families with young children living in the community to give them the best possible start in life.