Keeping your family safe online
We recognise that children's use of the internet is an important part of their education but there are risks of harm associated with its use. We have an online safety policy that addresses how we minimise those risks in our setting. We teach children how to stay safe when using the internet. We provide online safety training for parents. Please ask when our next session is planned. Below are some links which will give you steps to take so that you can keep your family safe online.
Think before you click
Top Tips!
- Always ask a grown up before you use the internet. They can help you find the best thing to do.
- Don’t tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. Only your friends and family need to know that.
- Don’t send pictures to people you don’t know. You don’t want strangers looking at photos of you, your friends or your family.
- Tell a grown up if you feel scared or unhappy about anything.
- You can also call ‘Childline’ on: 08001111 to talk to someone who can help.
Digiducks Big Decision - A link to help you think about posting photographs
Kidsmart -
Parent controls -
Talking to your child about online safety -
Internet Safety Checklist -
Helping children understand their body belongs to them video -
Online safety guide for parents of pre-school children -