Looking for a childminder
If you are looking for a childminder for your child then it is best to find a childminder who is registered with Ofsted. Please contact the children’s centre for a list of childminders in our area. You can then contact each childminder for yourself to find someone who best suits your family requirements.
Support for local childminders
If you are a local childminder then you can attend a childminder drop in on Mondays from 9.30 am to 11.15 am. This is at Keir Hardie Children's Centre. You will meet other childminders and Julie our childminder network coordinator who will provide experienced guidance to improve the quality of care and education you provide for children.
If you are looking for a childminder for your child then it is best to find a childminder who is registered with Ofsted. Please contact the children’s centre for a list of childminders in our area. You can then contact each childminder for yourself to find someone who best suits your family requirements.
Support for local childminders
If you are a local childminder then you can attend a childminder drop in on Mondays from 9.30 am to 11.15 am. This is at Keir Hardie Children's Centre. You will meet other childminders and Julie our childminder network coordinator who will provide experienced guidance to improve the quality of care and education you provide for children.